Through the Rain
2 channel recording Scott Barton – guitar December, 2017 Through the Rain started with a chord progression written on guitar many years ago. The progression, played on electric guitar, is reflected in a number of virtual instruments and effects, blurring the line between acoustic and electronic, played and sequenced. The first section of the work…
for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello, tom-tom, PAM (robotic string instrument), and robotic percussion Fall 2014 – Spring 2015 commissioned by the Juventas New Music Ensemble Machine expressivity is often thought of as involving precision, speed, rhythmic complexity, non-idiomatic (for human performers) pitch patterns and replication. Human expressivity is often thought of involving groove, phrasing,…
Experiment in Augmentation 2
for human improviser, PAM (robotic string instrument), Cyther (human-playable robotic zither) and robotic percussion 2018 Experiment in Augmentation 2 features a human-robot improvisation consisting of a human improviser and the musical robots PAM, percussive aerophone, and percussion built by WPI’s Music, Perception and Robotics Lab and EMMI. The robots respond to human-produced cues with algorithmically-generated…
Eroding Mountains
For narrator, voice and electronics 2011-2014 narration: Art Cohen vocals: Scott Barton piano: Aurie Hsu Eroding Mountains is about a slow epiphany. It is about one’s realization of the value of nonhuman animal life in a culture that typically defines ethical standards along speciesist lines. It is about the realization and remembrance that such lines…
2011 for the musical robots PAM and MADI; 3:00
Figure <-> Ground
two channel recording; 2:39 Fall 2013 Figure <-> Ground interprets the idea of negative space in the context of rhythm and time. In one formulation, the subjects are percussive sound points and the negative spaces are the durations that connect those sound points. As the piece progresses, the elements that constitute a sound point are…
Conversing in Rotation
for 2 performers and the sound sculpture Container Man at Contemporary Arts International; 7:00 Fall, 2013
Human-Robot Improvisation
I have been developing software that allows humans to improvise with the robots built by EMMI and the Music, Perception and Robotics Lab at WPI. The bots have interacted with some wonderful performers: Performance at Clark 2o-21 with Matt Jaskot, Peter Sulski and CADI / modular percussion instruments, Oct 30, 2013 Performance excerpt 2 at…
HCL Chicago sponsored artist video
This is a video about my residency as a sponsored artist at High Concept Laboratories in Chicago in the summer of 2013. By Carly Mostar.