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  • Mechanophore

    2021 for virtual and robotic strings and percussion by Scott Barton   robotic instruments by WPI’s Music Perception and Robotics Lab and EMMI Mechanophore was inspired by the force-sensitive molecular units of the same name. As mechanophores are subjected to physical forces, they activate chemical reactions that can communicate their state (e.g. color change) or…

  • Tempo Mecho

    2019 for the robotic instruments PAM, modular percussion and percussive aerophone (built by WPI’s MPR Lab and EMMI) by Scott Barton A groove changes identity depending on the tempo it inhabits. Typically, there are small ranges within which a rhythm feels at home. Once there, a rhythm reveals the energy, detail and character of its…

  • Experiment in Augmentation 1

    Spring 2017 human-robot improvisation with Cyther and Modular Percussion (made by the MPR Lab) In the work, a human performer, Cyther (a human-playable robotic zither) and modular percussion robots interact with each other. The interaction between these performers is enabled by both the physical design of Cyther and software written by the composer. The perceptual…

  • Rise of a City

    2009 for guitar and robotic ensemble (PAM, MADI and CADI) produced and recorded by Scott Barton, mixed by Marc Urselli and Scott Barton at East Side Sound Studios, NYC Rise of a City introduces a human performer to the robotic creations of EMMI (Expressive Machines Musical Instruments, expressivemachines.com) for the first time. The piece features…

  • Experiment in Augmentation 1 performance at Audio Mostly

    August 23, 2017; Web Audio Mostly Concert; Audio Mostly Conference; 93 Feet East; London, England

  • Intersections

    for flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello, tom-tom, PAM (robotic string instrument), and robotic percussion Fall 2014 – Spring 2015 commissioned by the Juventas New Music Ensemble Machine expressivity is often thought of as involving precision, speed, rhythmic complexity, non-idiomatic (for human performers) pitch patterns and replication.  Human expressivity is often thought of involving groove, phrasing,…

  • MotorMouth

    2011 for the musical robots PAM and MADI; 3:00

  • Human-Robot Improvisation

    I have been developing software that allows humans to improvise with the robots built by EMMI and the Music, Perception and Robotics Lab at WPI.  The bots have interacted with some wonderful performers: Performance at Clark 2o-21 with Matt Jaskot, Peter Sulski and CADI / modular percussion instruments, Oct 30, 2013 Performance excerpt 2 at…

  • HCL Chicago sponsored artist video

    This is a video about my residency as a sponsored artist at High Concept Laboratories in Chicago in the summer of 2013.  By Carly Mostar.