Cyther: A human-playable, self-tuning robotic zither
S. Barton, E. Prihar, P. Carvalho (2017). Cyther: a human-playable, self-tuning robotic zither. In proceedings of The 17th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Systematic Variation in Rhythm Production as Tempo Changes
Barton, S., Getz, L., & Kubovy, M. (2017). Systematic Variation in Rhythm Production as Tempo Changes. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34(3), 303-312. We investigated the effect of tempo on the production of the syncopated 3-2 son clave rhythm. We recorded eleven experienced percussionists performing the clave pattern at tempi ranging from 70 bpm to…
Creativity in the Generation of Machine Rhythms
S. Barton (2016). In proceedings from The 1st Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity. Abstract: This paper explores musical, psychological and philosophical ideas about how humans and machines interact in creative processes. It argues that creativity is a function of both generator and receiver, and that these roles can be amorphous in the creation and experience…
Original Gravity Podcast: Rise of a City
Join Original Gravity Artistic Director Keith Kirchoff and Public Relations Guru Greg Carlson (both exceptional brewers) as they design a unique, homebrewed beer that will aesthetically pair with Scott Barton’s Rise of a City, a piece for musical robot and guitar featured on our Summer 2016 Mystic Brewery concert.
MARIE: Monochord-Aerophone Robotic Instrument Ensemble
T. Rogers, S. Kemper, S. Barton (2015). In proceedings from The 15th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Abstract The Modular Electro-Acoustic Robotic Instrument System (MEARIS) represents a new type of hybrid electroacoustic-electromechanical instrument model. Monochord-Aerophone Robotic Instrument Ensemble (MARIE), the first realization of a MEARIS, is a set of interconnected monochord and…
Extended Abstract for Drum Circle
S. Barton, S. Kemper (2015). Published in UTS ePRESS; March, 2015. The paper was presented at the International Conference on Social Robotics 2014. link to paper
“Robotic Music” – I CARE IF YOU LISTEN
March 2015; by Ronni Reich
The specificity of expertise: For whom is the clave pattern the “key” to salsa music?
L. Getz, S. Barton, M. Kubovy (2014). Acta Psychologica; Volume 152, October 2014. Each Latin salsa music style is associated with a characteristic clave pattern that constitutes an essential structure for performers. In this article we asked what types of expertise are needed to detect the correct salsa–clave pairing. Using two clave patterns (the 3–2 and 2–3 son clave) and…