Context-specific Knowledge Is the “Key” to Salsa Music
L. Getz, S. Barton & L. Perry (2021). Auditory Perception & Cognition, DOI: 10.1080/25742442.2021.1964341
Systematic Variation in Rhythm Production as Tempo Changes
Barton, S., Getz, L., & Kubovy, M. (2017). Systematic Variation in Rhythm Production as Tempo Changes. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34(3), 303-312. We investigated the effect of tempo on the production of the syncopated 3-2 son clave rhythm. We recorded eleven experienced percussionists performing the clave pattern at tempi ranging from 70 bpm to…
Dysrhythmia of timed Movements in Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait
Tolleson, C. M., Dobolyi, D. G., Roman, O. C., Kanoff, K., Barton, S., Wylie, S. A., … & Claassen, D. O. (2015). Dysrhythmia of timed movements in Parkinson׳ s disease and freezing of gait. Brain research, 1624, 222-231. ABSTRACT A well-established motor timing paradigm, the Synchronization-Continuation Task (SCT), quantifies how accurately participants can time finger tapping to…
The specificity of expertise: For whom is the clave pattern the “key” to salsa music?
L. Getz, S. Barton, M. Kubovy (2014). Acta Psychologica; Volume 152, October 2014. Each Latin salsa music style is associated with a characteristic clave pattern that constitutes an essential structure for performers. In this article we asked what types of expertise are needed to detect the correct salsa–clave pairing. Using two clave patterns (the 3–2 and 2–3 son clave) and…
Understanding Musical (dis)continuity
S. Barton (2012). Dissertation. Published by ProQuest. Abstract While our experience of musical (dis)continuity is often powerful and clear, articulating the relations that inspire such percepts is not always easy. Part of the reason for this is that our experience of musical (dis)continuity is influenced by a number of physical, cognitive and perceptual factors, and thus is complex.…