Musical Robotics Presentation at the Boston Museum of Science
December 9, 2107; Boston, MA
Musical Robotics Presentation at HUBWeek 2017
October 15, 2017; Robot Block Party, HUBWeek 2017; Boston, MA
Experiment in Augmentation 1 performance at Audio Mostly
August 23, 2017; Web Audio Mostly Concert; Audio Mostly Conference; 93 Feet East; London, England
Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Judge Fitness in Musical Genetic Algorithms
P. Mitrano, A. Lockman, J. Honicker, S. Barton (2017). In proceedings of The 5th International Workshop on Musical Metacreation (MUME) at The 8th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC). Atlanta, GA, USA.
Musical Robotics Presentation at Touch Tomorrow
June 10, 2017; WPI; Worcester, MA
Cyther: A human-playable, self-tuning robotic zither
S. Barton, E. Prihar, P. Carvalho (2017). Cyther: a human-playable, self-tuning robotic zither. In proceedings of The 17th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Human-Robot Improvisation Performance at Opensound Concert Series
November 12, 2016; Third Live Studio; Somerville, MA; Nate Tucker – percussion, Cyther (human-playable robotic zither), Robotic Percussion
Musical Robotics Presentation and Human-Robot Improvisation Performance
October 7, 2016; Franklin Pierce University; Rindge, NH
Creativity in the Generation of Machine Rhythms
S. Barton (2016). In proceedings from The 1st Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity. Abstract: This paper explores musical, psychological and philosophical ideas about how humans and machines interact in creative processes. It argues that creativity is a function of both generator and receiver, and that these roles can be amorphous in the creation and experience…